Hoovu Habba- Bangalore’s Hanami
A brand new initiative on Cultural Heritage- launched in Bangalore by #HeritageBeku
Hoovu Habba- Bangalore’s Hanami
A brand New Cultural Heritage Initiative launched in Bangalore
By Heritage Beku, (in association with Dept of Horticulture and Karnataka Tourism)

Hoovu Habba- Bangalore’s Hanami
A brand New Cultural Heritage Initiative launched in Bangalore
By Heritage Beku, in association with Dept of Horticulture and Karnataka Tourism
Bangalore serial blossoming has been a unique botanical city tradition, a concept that was carefully strategized by the ultimate expert Gustav Krumbiegel, and other environmentalists like Negihal after him. It was simple – based on the Maharaja’s request , Krumbiegel strategicalls planred trees in avenues to ensure that at leastr one tree was blooming/flowering throughout at any time of the year Whether it is the rose tabebuia or the yellow trumpet flower, the purple jacaranda or the flaming red Gulmohar; Bangalore’s parks, localities and streets have gently exploded in the different colours that we love but take so much for granted. This is so unique to Bangalore. At Heritage Beku we have chosen to celebrate the ongoing, beloved but yet unnamed Bangalore tradition by our yearly event Hoovu Habba that will roll over the year, over the seasons with multiple colours and blossoming.
With the pink trumpet flower starting to burst into blushing bloom the city is already slowly transformed into a pink festival. There is so much see enjoy and experience. And to learn as well! let’s put together our experiences, let’s create spaces to appreciate this blossoming. Let’s write, let’s photograph, let’s sketch, , lets feel, et’s rhyme, but let’s not reason. Let’s look for this unique flowering moment that fills our heart with joy and with great pride, share our Bengaluru experience with the world.
Whether you are a school wanting to organize a picnic under the Pink trumpet tree, learn more about the unique origins and its biology, whether you are a team of office goers or walkers that are transfixed by the mauve blooms in Cubbon Park, a cyclist or bus passenger watching the trees pop up and speed pinkly as they passed you. Capture the moments and share it with the world. That’s great memories of a part of Bangalore that we know so well, love so much yet rarely acknowledge.
Hoovu Habba, the Festival of Flowers, here we come.
Some of the plans could be (within Covid Guidelines):
· Art Camps at Cubbon Park and Lalbagh
· Reading of poetry and essays under the tree
· Photography competition
· Talks by botanists, environmentalists, and experts
· Picnic and cycling expeditions
Contact us at heritagebeku@gmail.com for more details.
What will Hoovu Habba look like:
A localised capture of an old 100 year tradition -# HoovuHabba, activities initiatives, visuals , photos and art and city pride around this, hashtags, tourism pushes etc.
Ideas – just thinking aloud
· Photography
· Memory projects
: Coffee Table Book on Bangalore Arborial Colours
· Book - Mystery writing around this
· Theater Play
· Installation - coordination with Lalbagh Flower Show
· Cartoons
· Reliving history
· Haiku & poetry
· Ensuring it’s in school and university book syllabus
· Flower favourite teams etc – the Tabebuias vs the Gulmohurists and so on
· Rap and songs around the Hoovu Habba
· T-shirts and branding around blooming bangalore
· Contests inviting schools design schools, artists to co create content n persoectives
· Tie up with colleges and schools
· Tree champions
: Tree adoptions
· Tree hugging
· Ward level mapping and plotting of tress. Or directly mapping on open city
· Chasing the flowers - Where is the tabebuia this year
· DC level to locate and showcase at district level
· Google and Facebook to track and tech support this - as a project
· Forest dept to engage
· Fresh plantings across newer suburbs of Bangalore
· UNESCO support and tag for cultural heritage
· Sister city tie ups Japan (Cherry Blossom) USA East coast (Fall Colours) Sikkim (cherry blossom)
: Flowering Tree Mapping
Experts and stakeholders
Botanists and experts. Krishna Yellappa Reddy etc
Govt bureaucrats Horticulture Forests Tourism Chief Secretary, BBMP Horticulture, Dept of Kannada, DPAR , DULT
IISC, Azim Premji University, Takshila, MCC,
Rohini Nilekani Foundation
UNESCO , ASI, other global organisation
Writers n historians
Alyia Krumbiegel, Issars, MariGowda Neginhal Sriram Aravudam
DULT n cycle rides , walking tours
IFA . MAP, Art Institutes and
· https://www.wildwanderer.com/flowering-trees/ https://www.wildwanderer.com/2-2/